[Trhm-Go] he Volksraad of the South African

Linebarger protonymphal at evert.net
Sun Jan 10 19:34:21 CET 2010

 Transvaal, 57-88 Quoted, 54, 70, 73, 77 Cloete, Commissioner, 14
Colenso, Bishop, quoted, 27, 30 Cunynghame, Gen. Sir A., 21, 26 Derby,
Fifteenth Earl of, and the Transvaal Convention, 34-36, 57, 59, 101
Diamond Fields, 19, 20, 25-26, 39-40, 41, 94 Dingaan, Zulu Chief, 13
Dunn, John, and the Supply of Rifles to Zulus, 31 Dynamite Concession,
61, 62-63 Edgar Case, 70, 73-77 Faure, Rev. D.P., 34, 60 Firearms
supplied to Natives, 26, 31 Franchise Question, see under Transvaal
Frere, Sir Bartle, Governor, 26-31 Quoted, 27, 30, 31 Froude, J.A.,
quoted, 8, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24 Gladstone, W.E., and the Transvaal, 27,
29, 32 Glenelg, Lord, and His Policy in S. Africa, 9 Goldfields of the
Transvaal, 37-48, 60, 61, 64 Grey, Earl, referred to, 12, 18, 24 Hogge,
Commissioner, 24 Import Duties, 61, 63 Jameson Raid, 46-48, 49 Jingoism
and Capital, 37-88 Kaffir Aid against Boers, 17, 31 Keate, Governor, 26,
29 Kimberley and the Diamond Fields, 19, 20, 105 Kynoch & Co., Messrs.,
62 Liquor Law, 61, 64-65 Loch, Sir Henry, and the Transvaal, 45-46
Lombard Affair, 70-73 London Convention, 34, 56, 58, 101, 128 Malabele
and the Transvaal, 23 Milner, Sir Alfred, His Attitude to the Transvaal,
52, 86-88 Quoted, 85 Missionaries in S. Africa, 6 Moffat, Dr., 26
Molesworth, Sir Wm., referred to, 12, 24 Moselikatse, Matabele Chief, 23
Moshesh, Basuto Chief, 17, 23, 94 Napier, Sir George, quoted, 14 Naples,
Kingdom of,--British Intervention, 82 Natal: The Boer Trek into Natal,
1836, 10-13 British Military Occupation, 13 The Founding of Natal, 13-16
British Annexation, 14 Protest of Natal, 14 Sufferings of the Boers, 15
Oliphant, Mr., Cape At
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