[Grimne-law] in Their Little Nests. S.E.P. Jul. 16. (

Remmick Thrope neonate at farsrs.se
Sat Sep 25 13:05:00 CEST 2010

D with a jar which knocked him cold, for he was a gross
and heavy man and struck squarely on his head. With popped eyes she saw
Jess throw up his pistol and fire once from his ambush behind the wagon,
and then--the startled team having snatched the wagon from before
him--saw him advance
into the open toward the mill, shooting again
as he advanced. All now in the same breath and in a jumble of shock and
terror she saw Dudley Stackpole emerge into full sight, and

standing clear a pace from his doorway return the fire; saw the thudding
frantic hoofs of the nigh horse spurn Harve Tatum's body aside--the kick
broke his right leg, it turned out--saw Jess Tatum
suddenly halt and
stagger back as though jerked by an unseen hand; saw him drop

his weapon and straighten again,
and with both hands clutched to his throat

run forward, head thrown back and feet drumming;
heard him give one strange bubbling, strangled scream--it was the blood
in his throat made this outcry sound thus--and saw him fall on his face,
twitching and wriggling, not thirty feet from where Dudley

Stackpole stood, his
pistol upraised and ready for more firing. As to how many shots, all
told, were fired the woman never could say with certainty.

There might have been four or five

or six, or even seven,
she thought. After the opening shot they rang together in almost a
continuous volley, she said. Three empty chambers in Tatum's gun and two
in Stackpole'
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