[Trhm-Go] At the haughty down.' Thus lord Anchises, and as they mar

Barnhurst braking at aditus.nl
Thu Aug 27 02:25:37 CEST 2009

Ine, to thee. Then he uprears darkling altars to the Stygian king, and
lays whole carcases of bulls upon the flames, pouring fat oil over the
blazing entrails. And lo! about the first rays of sunrise the ground
moaned underfoot, and the woodland ridges began to stir, and dogs seemed
to howl through the dusk as the goddess came. 'Apart, ah keep apart, O
ye unsanctified!' cries the soothsayer; 'retire from all the grove; and
thou, stride on and unsheath thy steel; now is need of courage, O
Aeneas, now of strong resolve.' So much she spoke, and plunged madly
into the cavern's opening; he with unflinching steps keeps pace with his
advancing guide. Gods who are sovereign over souls! silent ghosts, and
Chaos and Phlegethon, the wide dumb realm of night! as I have heard, so
let me tell, and according to your will unfold things sunken deep under
earth in gloom. [268-303]They we
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