<div class='snap_preview'><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-8609" title="bernanke-vamp" src="http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/bernanke-vamp.jpg?w=497&h=373" alt="bernanke-vamp" width="497" height="373" /></p>
<p><em>“Helicopter Ben” Shalom Bernanke* promised transparency when he doled out the billions upon billions of American tax payer’s money to his bros at the Wall Street Banks and “investment” firms. Did he deliver on him and Goldman Sach’s embedded Goyim dupe, Hank Paulson, promises? Like, hell no!</em></p>
<p><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8660" title="madoff-vamp-2" src="http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/madoff-vamp-2.jpg?w=190&h=246" alt="madoff-vamp-2" width="190" height="246" />Okay, everyone should now have heard something about the Jew Scam artist Bernie Madoff (right) and his 50 billion dollar (or more) Ponzi Scheme by now. That’s 50 times 1000 Million dollars. Pretty good chunk ‘o change! Some Jews are calling it the “Greatest” Ponzi scheme on record, just like they’re bragging or something. But did you know that all this is pretty much par for the course with these people?</p>
<p>Oh, yeah, this kind of thing happens all the time with Jews. Remember Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken and Marc Rich? America has been bery, bery good for these criminal Jews. It’s like the entire country has been a big fat cow that they’ve been feeding on since immigrating from Eastern Europe in the 1880’s. No lie.</p>
<p>Even though old Bernie got himself busted by the FBI (due to his fund going kaput and his two kids turning him in over it), Madoff “made off” with untold millions, and quite possibly billions. Who could really know how much he socked away in his <a href="http://rense.com/general84/mado.htm">hidden Swiss accounts</a>, the Criminal State of Israel or some Caribbean island over the years? He’s even said that he plans to spread around 200-300 million to all his family members and employees of his now defunct company to ease their upcoming pain after he’s slapped on the wrist with some minor prison term. That’s pretty nice of the old, thieving Jew, huh? Here’s an excellent run-down and a definite must read on this story from the Zsidozas blogsite:</p>
<p><span id="more-8570"></span></p>
<blockquote><p>This is in no way surprising: Jews are disproportionately white-collar criminals and have comprised the highly exploitative hypercapitalist class in every single country they have ever settled in…They move fluidly between the role of predator, parasite, or scavenger depending on their overall situation in the host country. At any given time the individual Jew or groups of Jews in a society are playing one or more of these different roles, but there is always an elite core of ultra-plutocratic Jews who manage to claw, cheat, steal, deceive, and/or kill their way to the top of the economic food chain at which point they commence to vampirically bleed the country dry of as much money as they can and begin to hoard it for themselves and the Jewish community. <a href="http://zsidozas.wordpress.com/2008/12/12/hebrewnomics-helping-to-expose-the-jewish-exploiters/">Hebrew Economics — Helping to expose the exploiters</a></p></blockquote>
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-8601" title="vampire-jew-on-bed" src="http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/vampire-jew-on-bed.jpg?w=497&h=497" alt="vampire-jew-on-bed" width="497" height="497" /></p>
<p><em>These vampire crooks have been busy all over the place crunching, shaving and stealing the numbers — this country’s numbers. You and your children’s numbers. They’ve been doing this Jew thing since time immemorial.</em></p>
<p>The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had been warned many times about Bernie Madoff’s hedge fund being crooked and how impossible for it to have been as successful as he claimed, but they blithely ignored it all. Maybe the fact that one of the SEC lawyers was dating a Madoff family member (whom he later married) had a little something to do with all that?</p>
<p><img class="size-full wp-image-8671 alignright" title="Obama SEC" src="http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/mary-schapiro-vamp-2.jpg?w=191&h=236" alt="Mary Schapiro" width="191" height="236" /></p>
<p>Now we hear that Obama has selected (or was selected for him) Mary L. Schapiro (right) to head and “shake-up” the SEC. But guess what? Mary is ANOTHER vampire, too. Just like the Jews Larry Summers (his real birth name: Sameulson), Tim Geithner and Paul Volcker. All vampires just like Bernie Madoff. Sure, Schapiro will be “shaking up” her fellow vampires. Right. More like making sure no real PR problems surface for the tribe as they take the next steps in their plans for this country.</p>
<p>What’s been the common denonminator in all of this? Talmudic, Ashkenazim globalist Jews.† Always has been.</p>
<p>And how about the “good” Rabbi Dov Zakheim, the comptroller of the Pentagon when 2.3 trillion just happened to go missing from the books? One trillion (1000 billion) of the loss was reported on September 10, 2001. That’s right, the day before 9/11 and we haven’t heard one dam thing since. It appears that huge amounts of military equipment was classified as “surplus” and then given to or sold to the Israelis at pennies on the dollar. Rabbi Zakheim has had zero legal troubles over the matter and eased on into a high-paying gig in the military/industrial complex, with the firm Booz Allen Hamilton.</p>
<p>Traveling Gypsies go about making their money in low-rent scams on White people all over the world — you know, they go find some elderly woman living alone, toss up a bucket of water up on the roof and ring the doorbell to show her the roof leak. When the old lady gives them a payment in advance for the roof work, they just skip on down the road. An entire town of Gypsies is headquartered down south and prowls around the US during the year, doing this kind of thing and other common crimes, such as shoplifting.</p>
<p>But the Jews, people, have gotten the ripping-off of the Goyim down to an art form and not just of little old ladies. They’ve been ripping-off entire nations with their Jew Banking/Ponzi schemes stealing billions and trillions. Think about this one: The Federal Reserve has been stealing trillions from Americans since 1913 and <em>even from those who haven’t even been born yet.</em></p>
<p>Who do you think will one day soon have to pay for the Wall Street bailouts? The 750 billion is just what was reported openly. The Federal Reserve actually gave out an additional 1.3 trillion more (that we know for sure) to these New York “Financial institutions,” or someone, and Bernanke refuses to tell us where all this money went due to “privacy” concerns. Even though it will be us tomorrow and our kids and our grandkids on down the road who pays for it all, but not with government debt like before, but with our very birth rights as Americans. </p>
<p>We’ve been paying those bloodsucking rip-off artists for almost a hundred years and most people have absolutely no idea. And ”our” Congress quibbles about 34 Billion to help this country’s manufactering base (auto industry)? What’s wrong with this picture? If you don’t have any questions about what these people are up to, then God help you. And us.</p>
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-8673" title="vamp-art-2" src="http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/vamp-art-2.jpg?w=497&h=497" alt="vamp-art-2" width="497" height="497" /></p>
<p>That’s how far up the scale on rip-offs scams these people really are. And they don’t give a rat’s ass who they steal from. Even from themselves, like with Orthodox and retired Jews. They would sell their own grandmothers to make a buck — Jews get burned all the time by fellow Jews. Not that I care. But trust me on this: They certainly don’t confine themselves to fellow Jews. A lot of Goyims get sucked in too, in fact, it pleasures them much more when they rip-off some dumb Goyim. Why do you think they change their names all the time?<img class="size-full wp-image-8672 alignright" title="s-israel-vamp" src="http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/s-israel-vamp.jpg?w=163&h=197" alt="Sameul Israel III" width="163" height="197" /></p>
<p>How about the story of fugitive fund manager Samuel Israel III (right) who tried to fake out the FBI by making it look like he committed suicide by jumping off a bridge? He swindled 450 Million from the Bayou Hedge fund on Wall Street; was sentenced to 20 years in jail, but before he had to turn himself in, left his car on some bridge with “suicide is painless” scrawled on his car and then drove off with his girlfriend in a RV. The US Marshal’s Wanted poster then had the gall to describe him as “White Hispanic.” Thanks, Marshals. <a href="http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/07/02/business/fugitive.php">Read more here</a></p>
<p><img class="size-full wp-image-8665 alignright" title="shereshevsky-vamp-2" src="http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/shereshevsky-vamp-2.jpg?w=170&h=213" alt="Joseph Shereshevsky" width="170" height="213" /></p>
<p>And you probably heard not a thing about a Jew named Joseph Shereshevsky (right) was hauled before a Norfolk, Virginia Federal Judge, this past August, for defrauding 1200 investors in Wextrust Capital of 100 Million dollars in conjunction with a Chicago-area Jew named Stephen Byers. When they busted Joseph the Jew, he had a one-way ticket to Tel Aviv, Israel in his possession. That’s right — he was such a cheapskate that he bought the cheapest ticket he could to make his escape. <a href="http://archives.chicagotribune.com/2008/aug/12/business/chi-tue-wextrust-sec-charges-aug12">Read more here</a></p>
<p>Yes indeed, Jews who make it to Israel often can live quite freely, without worrying about things due to Israel’s <a href="http://www.thejewishweek.com/viewArticle/c36_a14246/News/New_York.html">“Law of Return”</a> which makes Jews a flight risk in Goyim countries. The extradition treaties are so vague, that Israel may ignore a request for a rich, bribing Jew or will demand that the Jew perp spend his prison time in Israel. These arrogant Jews just hate to see a fellow Jew consigned to a Goyim jail! How’s that for some cow manure? Adolf Hitler once said that if the Jews ever got themselves their own country they would turn it into a university of crime. He may as well have said headquarters and haven too.</p>
<p>And they certainly they don't believe us Goyim can get away with anything like that</b>. Did you know that they have a law on the books in Israel that if you commit a crime against a Jew, against his person or property, anywhere in the world, that they reserve the right to come after you all by themselves, regardless of a country’s sovereignty? For right now they haven’t done this to Americans, but they’ve written it into Israeli law that says they can, should they want:</p>
<blockquote><p>16. (a) <strong>Israeli penal law shall apply to foreign offences</strong> which Israel, by multilateral international conventions, has undertaken<strong> to punish even if they are committed by a person who is not an Israeli national</strong> or resident of Israel regardless of where they were committed.</p>
<p>(2) the life, person, health, freedom <strong>or property of any Jew as such or the property of any Jewish institution</strong> as such.</p>
<p>(b) Israeli penal law <strong>shall apply also to foreign offences</strong> against… <a href="http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/bclc/israeli.htm" target="_blank">Read the Legalese here</a></p></blockquote>
<p><img class="size-full wp-image-8612 alignright" title="beresovski-vamp" src="http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/beresovski-vamp.jpg?w=158&h=204" alt="beresovski-vamp" width="158" height="204" /></p>
<p>Back when the Soviet Union went belly-up, Jew “Oligarchs” ripped-off Russia to the tune of hundreds of billions, too (anyone feeling Deja Vu?). These people flew the coop to Israel and London when Putin came to power and cleaned house. That’s why they hate Putin so much and is one of the reasons they’ve been trying to make him out as evil in the west. Of course, the Western media like the Associated Press, were quite silent about these Russian Jew scam artists stealing hundreds of billions and getting clean away with it:</p>
<blockquote><p>Boris Berezovsky [right] is one of seven “oligarchs,” as they are known both inside and outside Russia: <strong>massively rich, powerful manipulators who through violence, theft and corruption acquired a mammoth percentage</strong> (reports range from 70 to 85 percent) of Russia’s resources, from its oil to the auto industry to mass media outlets.</p>
<p>At the same time, the group <strong>steadily gained control over much of the country’s political apparatus.</strong> Using <strong>extraordinary financial resources and insider dealing,</strong> the oligarchs <strong>handpicked prime ministers and governmental leaders and barely even bothered to do this behind the scenes.</strong></p>
<p>While <strong>Israelis may have been delighted at Berezovsky’s position in Russia</strong>, it is not surprising that Russian citizens were somewhat less so. Finding that a powerful leader and <strong>member of the Russian Security Council was an Israeli citizen was disconcerting,</strong> at best. <a href="http://globalfire.tv/nj/05en/politics/robberbarons.htm">Read more here</a></p></blockquote>
<p>Needless to say, the Russians got a mite perturbed over having these Dual-Citizen Jews manipulating their politics along with stealing all those rubles. Oligarchs like Berezovsky caused a scandal in Russia, which of course we heard nothing about.</p>
<p>The GD United States of America has the problem of <a href="http://www.viewzone.com/dualcitizen.html">Dual Citizens</a> of Israel running amok in Washington DC, as we speak. How about the Globalist rip-off artist behind Obama, George Soros, and his little gigs manipulating countries left-ward, as he jacks various country’s currencies and skims his take off the top? He’s also the front man for the Non-Government Organization (NGOS) global gamesmanship, conducted by the ZOG and the CIA. He’s done all this to South Africa, the Balkans, the country of Georgia and even the United States of America with groups like Moveon.org and dozens of other lefty groups and dupes like Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama.</p>
<p>It’s little wonder that Jews prefer <a href="http://www.israelenews.com/view.asp?ID=2959">to live among Gentiles.</a> Why would you live in some dusty cinder block condo in Israel when you can live high on the hog in the White, Western countries as you suck them dry? If you feel the least bit guilty, you can always contribute a few million to some local Jew yeshiva (school) or to a front company back in Israel that bribes and buys up Palestinian land to displace more Palestinians. Like the Israeli Blood diamond dealer, Lev Leviev, who lives <a href="http://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2008/01/10/levievs-70-million-digs-most-expensive-new-mansion-ever-in-britain/">in a 70 million mansion</a> back in England.</p>
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-8630" title="borseoddman" src="http://incogman.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/borseoddman.jpg?w=497&h=313" alt="borseoddman" width="497" height="313" /></p>
<p><em>Nazi propaganda from the thirties (left) sure does appear to be right on in this day and age (Borse is the European Stock Market and Geld is German for gold). Right: read this piece on a strange twist to the “Multicultural” brainwashing they have for your children, </em><a href="http://worldpeace-phaedrus.blogspot.com/2008/09/can-you-spot-odd-one-out.html"><em>Can you spot the odd one out?</em></a></p>
<p>Now, we know that they are rotten Gentile’s doing white collar crime, too. But nowhere near the scale of the Jew. His people have been busy perfecting this schtick since the days of yore, in whatever country that hasn’t wised-up to his deal. Plus, he’s got the monopoly on printing monopoly money and has used that power to buy out the Western media and our politicians to keep his actions in the dark.</p>
<p>They’ve got their dupes and minions who won’t dare breath a word. And — here’s the kicker – if one of them did, then you would not hear one dam thing. To you, it’s just like it never happened, like a tree falling in a forest with no one around to hear it. Oh, you might hear a lot of brouhaha about such and such being arrested for income tax evasion or losing an election due to the media backing the opponent, but nary a one of the real facts behind it.</p>
<p>This whole thing is why the US has been so bleeping F’d up for the last few decades and even longer. The last few years we’ve seen it increasing dramatically, quite probably because this level of Jewry, like Bernie Madoff, is picking up on what the big dogs (like Rothschild and Rockefeller) are up to and are racing in to gobble down a few pieces cut-loose, just like piranhas in a feeding frenzy.</p>
<p>These people work together across continents and nations to further their race. National boundaries and citizenship means zilch to them, mere speed bumps in their efforts in stealing the Goyim blind. And even nationhood is in their cross-hairs to eliminate for good. They want to control the whole bailiwick and that’s why the US is now being turned inside out to make us go along with their ambitions and designs.</p>
<p>Next year you will see the US on it’s knees and these people will act like they have all the answers. That answer will be what they want it to be and you can kiss this country’s Constitution goodbye for good if we go along with it. 2010 is the year that these people want to merge the US with Canada and Mexico and God knows what we’ll have to do to pay-off China for the debts we now owe them. Thanks, Jews!</p>
<p>They’ve destroyed what the US once meant with their unfettered greed and avarice. All you foolish couch potato FOX News conservatives and Obama parlor liberals are to blame for allowing these people to manipulate you with PC politics and Holocaust bull, so that these people can do whatever they want to with this country. Including run it straight into the ground.</p>
<p>You may try to tell yourself that all this is not real — just can’t be true — but the facts are all there in front of you. But you’ll have no one to tell you this on the mainstream news, because they will not touch any of these real subjects with a fifty-foot pole, or else they’ll be looking for a job selling widgets to midgets. They’ve been owned by these same people behind it all, for quite some time now and will only talk about safe or minor subjects like the latest White on White crime to fill the time. Make note on how the least little non-Jew, non-Israel and PC correct (if it’s Whitey then it’s OK!) news is endlessly droned on and on about.</p>
<p>It’s entirely up to us <em>schmucks</em> to connect the dots with past history and current events and lay it all out. And when you have it all before you, it’s obvious that we’ve been turned into schmucks by this poisonous and insidious race. Figure it out — this country is being scammed by the true blood suckers of all history. If not now, you will this coming year.</p>
<p style="text-align:right;"><em>– Phillip Marlowe</em></p>
<p><em>* He’s now being called “Helicopter Ben” for his willingness to print all kinds of money and shower it on his buds.</em></p>
<p><em>† The Talmud: Books containing debates between Rabbis through-out the centuries and not the Torah or Old Testament of the Bible. Ashkenazim: The Mongol Khazar race from Eastern Europe who think they are the Israelites from the Bible and work hard to make the foolish Goyim Christians believe that too.</em></p>
<p>Read on how they’ve been stealing us blind for the State of Israel now for years: <a href="http://incogman.wordpress.com/2008/01/14/america-enslaved-to-zionist-bloodsuckers/">America: Enslaved to Zionist Bloodsuckers</a></p>
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