Support Schieghofer at cegelec.co.uk
Wed Dec 26 19:41:43 CET 2007

Developed in the 19th century through the study of the Indo-European langua=
ges, the comparative method remains the standard by which mainstream lingui=
sts judge whether two languages are related, with alternative lexicostatist=
ical methods widely considered to be unreliable. =


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Descent, in turn, is defined in terms of transmission across the generation=
s: children learn a language from the parents' generation and are =

then influenced by their peers; they then transmit it to the next generatio=
n, and so on (how and why changes are introduced is a complicated, =

unresolved issue). A continuous chain of speakers across the centuries link=
s Vulgar Latin to all of its modern descendants. =

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The comparative method is a method for proving relatedness in the sense jus=
t given, as well as a method for reconstructing the sound system and vocabu=
lary of the common ancestral language and uncovering the sound changes the =
languages of a family have undergone. We have TAX/VAT free prices and Fast,=
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