[Frogma] quote requested

wood stevens electelectstore at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 19:51:03 CET 2012

Dear Sir/Madam,

how are you today? well hopefully you are doing good. anyway, we are a group of contractor dealing with general merchandise and we wanted to make an inquiry if you deal or you have an idea in getting us the listed items below,

1. solar panels 50watts and above,
2. battery 7ah and above,
3. solar charge controller 10amps and above,
4. shurflo submersible pump 9300 model,
5. grundfos SQflex submersible pump 11 - 2,

And we would be very happy to work with your company.
kindly get back to us on how you can assist us, till we hear from you stay blessed.
wood stevens
Fremont, CA 94538-2217

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